For easy understanding, will explain with an example.
Say, System A with ip is server
System B with ip is client
Settings at Server side(System A):
- Open vlc player
- Click on 'File -> Open File'
- Browse and select a video/audeo file in 'Open' location bar
- Select the 'Stream/Save' option in Advanced options and Click on 'Settings' just beside the 'Stream/Save' check box
- Select 'Play locally' if you want file to be played on server also
- Select 'UDP' and type the address of the client in address location bar, here it is
- Click 'OK'. Thats it.
- To get the control of player from client(B)'s browser, On server(A), Click on 'Settings -> Add Interface -->Web Interface'
Settings at Client side(System B):
- Open VLC player
- Click on 'File -> Open Network Stream'
To control from client's browser. Open browser, type "http://serverIP:8080" (in our example, ) in the address bar. Then you will get the Controls on your browser.